quinta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2015


Brazil - Independence or Death
Christ - Independence and Life

Colonial Brazil - chained giant.
Still a strong people being enslaved,
many heroes fell in cities
a last effort for freedom.

Tiradentes never be erased from history:
the framework that is left glory symbol.
Courage, sacrifice, secrecy and recklessness,
betrayal, death and exile that disloyalty,
They agreed the giant, beautiful asleep,
igniting his people to independence.

                     * * *
The Ipiranga Brook reflects a cloudy sky,
D.Pedro its banks think last ...
Safe and decisive news came:
His acts important Lisbon canceled.
Rebels offended and it encouraged,
exclaims bombastic, fearless and strong
- "No one enslave us, laces out, soldiers,
is our motto: Independence or death! "

One hundred and fifty years regardless Brazil ...
No longer future and become present.
Territories growing and becoming States;
roads, dream come true stretch.
It is the giant who stands in march of progress
before the great powers toward its success.
Independence marked the triumphant struggle
They had in his heroes the strength of the ideal.

                        * * *
Jesus Christ, too, betrayed and condemned,
innocent died for freedom
of souls who lived trapped in sin,
without himself and without redemption domain.

A free country, makes its sesquicentennial *
and centuries ago on Calvary's summit,
Jesus proclaimed the freedom and peace
and a Kingdom that will ultimately never singular.

The fight against error, vice, corruption
to be continued for the sake of salvation.
Will not be in vain the blood of Jesus,
that was shed for us on the rugged cross.

Therefore, Brazilian, is double your luck,
therefore raises the tu'alma thankful God:
Dom Pedro proclaimed Independence or Death
and Christ offers you independence and life!

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